Today you are coming home!!!
It has been a while since I have written. We have been very busy. After Halloween we all decided that it probably a good thing to get you into a smaller, more therapeutic setting. So for the first time, you saw the light of day as you were shipped off to Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital. I loved it from day one but couldn't help from feeling sad as we rolled away from the family at JHH and NICU that we have grown to know and love.
At Mount Washington the goal was to get you off the narcotics and to get you eating. The narcotic wean went terribly slow and the eating...well, that didn't go great either. On Jared's [Demetri's big bro] birthday, December 17th, we shipped you back to JHH to have the g-tube surgery. Side note: make sure Jared has an awesome birthday in 2011, because he officially got robbed this year.
We decided to go ahead with the g-tube, no nissen at a family meeting in early December, we agreed that though I was 100% against another surgery, we want you home where you can thrive. You, of course, whooped up on that surgery and per my request didn't even get more than 12 hours of pain medicine following. So, needless to say you were ready to be shipped back to Mt Washington in a couple of days. From there, we continued the last of the methadone weans and enjoyed some much needed play time.
Mount Washington was just what the doctor ordered, no pun intended, to prepare us for the transition home. I remember the therapists coming into the room and asking if I would bring you to the playroom. Not an odd request at all for the average mommy?!... But for you and I... I instantaneously realized that I had never walked anywhere with you! As we walked down the hall, she beside me pulling your O2 tank, I felt as though my legs might buckle. I mention this because I never want you or anyone who reads this to ever take for granted one second with their baby. Imagine someone... finally, granting you the opportunity to walk down a hall with your baby. Unthinkable.
Though we LOVE Mount Washington, we are ready to go! I think we have all had enough and I am looking forward to not spending 3+ hours a day in the car. Today is finally the day! Though, in true Demetri form, not without drama and pain. Yesterday you lost a family member that I would have loved for you to have known. He would have been like a grandpa to you. And you to him, a grandson. I know, though you two never met, that he loved you to pieces and will now watch over you as well as he will me and your mom-mom/yaya. But don't you worry, I'm gonna tell you all about Uncle Mickey as now that you are going to be home, we'll have plenty more time to chat, you and I.
In addition to Uncle Mickey leaving us, you created a little drama this morning. The doctor just called and said that she may not want to send you home because your heart rate is high and you have a fever which may mean that you have a little virus. Good thing for you that I know you better than her, and I know that you are just withdrawing off that stupid methadone and your gonna be just fine. Suck it up tough guy, cause momma is on her way!
Getting your belongings and putting you in the car seat is just surreal. I thought this moment may never come so many times. We cringe with excitement. I will never forget your father and I gazing at each other with the purest joy. It was finally our turn to get outta here. We take pics and see nothing as we head for the exit but the doors and our car warming just beyond them.

Home was never so close. So close. Our hour and a half drive felt like ten minutes. As we entered the house and your sisters and brother joyfully bounced around in disbelief, it hit us that you were now ALL ours. Machines, tubes, monitors and all. You were ours. Finally! Santa could officially skip our house because we, even if just for that night, had all that we needed, we had each other. A complete family, at home and together at last. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.